The Books Calculator & Book Time Estimator helps you estimate reading time based on your speed. Enter the number of pages and words per page to see how long it will take to finish your book. Perfect for managing your reading schedule efficiently. You can try our other tools like, Cool Symbols Emoji, Gothic Font GeneratorLorem Ipsum Generator & more.

Guide to Using the Books Calculator


The Books Reading Calculator is a simple tool designed to help you estimate how long it will take to read a book. It can also calculate how many books you can read in a year based on your reading habits.


  • Total Pages: Enter the number of pages in the book you want to read.
  • Reading Speed: Choose your reading speed in words per minute (WPM) using a dropdown menu with various options.
  • Daily Reading Time: Select how many hours you read each day.
  • Yearly Books Calculation: Option to calculate how many books you can finish in a year if you maintain your reading habits.

How to Use the Tool

1. Enter Total Pages:

Type the number of pages in the book in the “Total Pages” input field. For example an average book has 300 pages, you can try entering 300 pages if you are not sure about the page size.

2. Select Reading Speed:

Choose your reading speed from the dropdown menu. The options range from very slow (100 WPM) to super fast (600 WPM) with corresponding emojis to make it fun:

  • 🐢 Very Slow (100 WPM)
  • 🐌 Slow (200 WPM)
  • 🚶 Average (300 WPM)
  • 🏃 Fast (400 WPM)
  • 🚴 Very Fast (500 WPM)
  • 🐇 Super Fast (600 WPM)

3. Select Daily Reading Time:

Pick how many hours you read per day from the dropdown menu, ranging from 0.5 to 5 hours.

4. Calculate Books for a Year (Optional):

Check the box labeled “Calculate Books for a Year” if you want to see how many books you can finish in a year based on your reading habits.

5. View Results:

The tool will display how many hours and days it will take to finish the book. If you checked the yearly calculation option, it will also show how many books you can read in a year.

Example Calculation

Let’s say you have a 300-page book:

  • You choose a reading speed of 300 WPM (Average speed).
  • You read for 1 hour each day.
  • You can also check the yearly calculation option.

The tool will tell you:

  • It will take you around 5 hours to finish the book.
  • That’s about 5 days of reading.
  • You can read approximately 73 books in a year if you read daily at this rate.

Tips for Using the Tool

  • Accurate Input: Make sure you enter the correct number of pages and select the appropriate reading speed for more accurate results.
  • Experiment: Try different reading speeds and daily reading times to see how changes in your habits can affect your reading goals.
  • Consistency: Use the yearly calculation feature to motivate yourself to read regularly and track your progress.


The Books Reading Calculator is a handy tool for book lovers to plan their reading schedule and set realistic goals. By understanding your reading speed and daily habits, you can optimize your reading time and enjoy more books throughout the year.