Find out your exact age in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds with our easy-to-use age calculator. Perfect for personal milestones and future planning. You can try our other tools like, Cool Symbols Emoji, Gothic Font Generator, Lorem Ipsum Generator & more.
Age Calculator
If you’ve ever wondered, “How old am I today?”, “How old was I on a specific date?” or “How old will I be in 20XX?”, our age calculator is here to help you find out. This tool answers all your age-related questions accurately, from years down to milliseconds.
Our age calculator allows you to choose from various time units to get precise answers:
- What is my age?
- How many days old am I?
- How many months old am I?
- How many weeks old am I?
We’ll show examples of time calculations, such as how old you are if you were born in 1999, how many days are in 15 years, and how to calculate your age from your birth date.
Once you know your chronological age, you can also find out how old your pet is in human years or see all the seconds you’ve spent on Earth. Simply enter your birth date and the specific date you want to calculate your age for, using the month-day-year format.
After entering your birth date and clicking the calculate button, you’ll see your current age or the age you were on a particular date. The results are displayed in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds.
How to Use the Calculator:
- Enter your date of birth.
- Enter the date you want to calculate your age for.
- Click the “Calculate Age” button.
- View your age in different time units.
This tool is perfect for anyone curious about their precise age, whether for personal milestones or organizational anniversaries. It makes computations based on the Gregorian calendar and includes leap years in its calculations.
What is my age?
Age is simply the amount of time that something or someone has existed. For people, age is the time that has passed since their birth. Before birth, we talk about gestational age, which is the age of a pregnancy.
Most places count age starting from birth, where a person is 0 at birth and turns 1 on their first birthday. However, some countries have different ways of counting age. Here, we’ll stick to the most common system.
How old am I today? Use the age calculator
To find out your exact age or how old you’ll be on a specific date, use our age calculator. Here’s how:
- Enter your birth date: Type it in or select it from the calendar icon. Use the format “MM-DD-YYYY”.
- Set the date you want to calculate your age for: The default is set to “today”. Change it if you want to know your age on a different date.
- Select the time unit: You can choose years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, or seconds to get your age in the desired unit.
- The calculator will then show your age in the selected unit, starting from your birth date up to the chosen date.
How to calculate age manually
If you prefer to calculate your age without using a tool, follow these steps:
- Start with your birth date: Note down your birth date.
- Calculate full years: Subtract your birth year from the current year or the year in question.
- For example, if today is January 15, 2021, and you were born on December 5, 2000:
- From December 5, 2000, to December 5, 2020, is 20 years.
- For example, if today is January 15, 2021, and you were born on December 5, 2000:
- Calculate full months: Count the full months since your last birthday.
- From December 5, 2020, to January 5, 2021, is 1 month.
- Calculate remaining days: Count the days from the last full month to the current date.
- From January 5, 2021, to January 15, 2021, is 10 days.
- So, on January 15, 2021, you would be 20 years, 1 month, and 10 days old.
How many days/weeks/months/… old am I?
Our age calculator can provide your age in various units. To see your age in days, weeks, months, or any other unit, enter your birth date, ensure the second date is set to today, and select the desired unit.
How old will I be in 2050?
To find out how old you’ll be on a future date, follow the same steps:
- Enter your birth date: Use the format “MM-DD-YYYY”.
- Set the future date: Change the default current date to the future date you want to check.
- For example, if you were born on March 4, 2005, and want to know how old you’ll be on January 1, 2050:
- Enter “03-04-2005” for your birth date.
- Enter “01-01-2050” for the future date.
- The calculator will show that you will be 44 years, 9 months, and 28 days old on January 1, 2050.
- For example, if you were born on March 4, 2005, and want to know how old you’ll be on January 1, 2050:
If you were born in 1999, how old are you?
To estimate someone’s age when you only know the birth year, subtract the birth year from the current year. This gives an approximate age.
- For example, in 2021:
- 2021 – 1999 = 22.
- So, if you were born in 1999, you would be approximately 22 years old in 2021. If your birthday is later in the year, you’d still be 21 until your birthday.
How many days are there in 15 years?
To find out how many days you’ve lived if you’re 15 years old, enter your birth date and today’s date into the calculator, then select “days” as the unit.
You can also convert 15 years to days directly. For example, from January 1, 2000, to January 1, 2015, there are 5479 days.
Example – “How old was I on this date?”
To find out how old you were on a specific date in the past:
- Enter your birth date: For example, April 25, 1962.
- Enter the past date: For example, February 3, 1978.
- The calculator will show that you were 15 years, 9 months, and 8 days old on February 3, 1978.
- How many days have I been alive?
- Multiply your last celebrated age by 365.
- Add the days from the months since your last birthday.
- Account for leap years.
- How many months are in 3 years?
- Three years have 36 months.
- How old am I if I am 10,000 days old?
- If you are 10,000 days old, you are approximately 27 years and a few months old. This depends on the exact number of leap years you have experienced.
- How many years ago was 2017?
- If it is 2021, 2017 was four years ago.
- How old am I if I was born in 1983?
- In 2021, you are either 37 or 38 years old, depending on whether you have celebrated your birthday this year.
- What year was I born if I’m 21?
- If it is 2021 and you are 21 years old, you were born in 2000 if you’ve already had your birthday this year. Otherwise, you were born in 1999.
- How old am I if I was born in 1964?
- In 2021, you are either 56 or 57 years old, depending on whether you have celebrated your birthday this year.